4:00 am -- still sleeping, Thank Goodness! I know my sister sometimes starts her day at 4 but I like a little bit more sleep.
5:07 am -- alarm goes off to go running, but Nate informs me he is getting up for a 6 am meeting and has to go into work. So I crawl back into bed and get a few more zzzz's.
6:11 am -- Alarm goes off! Time to start the day & get dressed and ready. If I don't get ready now before the kids wake up then I am most certainly going to be dropping them off at school in pjs. There isn't enough time to get everyone ready and me if I wait til the kids are all up and running around the house. I know this from experience. I let the dogs out, put 3 laundry baskets of clean clothes on the bed so I am forced to fold them and put them away before we go to bed that night. I check e-mail and facebook (morning, noon, and night rituals) before I hear the first sounds of my kids.
6:36 am -- Start the morning routine. I go into the little girl's room and see that Lil Miss is talking up a storm and Gigi is in her bed playing in with her flashlight. (the flashlight is kept under her pillow to help her get to the bathroom at night without getting too scared, it is also probley why Lil Miss woke up) While changing Lil Miss's diaper and getting her dressed, bubba sneaks up behind me and scares me to death! He is already changed and ready to go. He asks me to button his sleeves, because his new thing recently is wearing a button down shirt to school just like his daddy! Last week he came in wearing a shirt and a tie, no joke. I made him take off the tie to go to school, mean mommy. Bubba is my morning person. He is usually dressed before I even have to ask and has a smile on his face ready for breakfast. By the time we have Lil Miss dressed and have an appropriate outfit for Gigi picked out (after her dissing mommy's 3 other outfit choices) we walk over to Rosie's door to wake her. To my surprise she is up. Not completely awake but up out of the bed. I choose an outfit out for her.... she is much easier to please because all I have to do is pick something out with sequins/or shiny and we are good to go.
7:07 am -- Lil Miss, Bubba and I are in the kitchen putting breakfast on the table. Bubba gets fruity cheerios, Lil miss gets an orange and a piece of bagel with cream cheese, and I start a cup of coffee. Rosie comes down to the kitchen shortly after the breakfast is on. She looks a little dishevelled but at least she is dressed.
7:15 am -- Gigi is still not down stairs eating breakfast, so I go up to search for her. She is sitting in her room sitting in her underwear playing with her doll Addy. She tells me she doesn't want to go to the dr. and get shots today, bribing her with nothing but fun today if she gets dressed and goes me with to the dr. I get her downstairs to eat.
7:20 am -- Bubba is cleaning out the dishwasher, Lil Miss is parked in front of the tv watching Sesame Street, and Rosie is ready to get her hair done.
7:52 am -- Girls hair is done, they have begged me to wear makeup so each of them has a hefty amount of lip gloss on their lips and all the kids are dressed.
7:59 am -- start the process of putting shoes on and going out the door. This may seem like it should only take a minute or two but we also have to solve the mystery of wear is Rosie's glasses. It has snowed through the night and snow is on the ground, so I have to disappoint Bubba by telling him he has to take off his chuck taylors and put on his snow boots. Without much fuss he has quickly switched and his boots and snow pants are in his bag to go to school.
8:11 am -- we are walking out the door. The kids have their backpacks, snow pants and snow boots, and hats and gloves. Mommy has packed the diaper bag, but forgot the grocery list and checks to be deposited on the counter.
8:21 am -- after prayer in the car on the way to school and good bye kisses the oldest two kids are out of the van and into school.
8:24 am -- At Hy-Vee to grocery shop when I discover that I forgot the grocery list. Me and the girls only pick up a few items since Gigi wants her own little grocery cart we fill that with what mommy could remember. She begs to do self check out and I do. She scans all the items we had in her little cart (her favorite part) she bags it all (3 bags full) and puts them back in her cart. She is Miss Independent and doesn't let mommy help at all. I was going to hop right over tot he bank but since I forgot my deposits I head straight to the Dr.'s office.
9:02 am -- early of course we walk into the Dr. office for our 9:20 appt. To my surprise we don't have to wait longer than 5 mintues before we are taking back for Gigi's 5 year appt. The nurse gives Gigi the wonderful news that her vaccinations are all up to date for kindergarten and gives her a clean bill of health and fills out all the forms for kindergarten. Whoohoo.
10:00 am -- Girls and I head to the Family Museum to play. I thought Lil Miss knew her name pretty well until she was running around the place in the opposite direction from which I was calling her. LOL The girls played hard for an hour and a half.
11:40 am -- pitstop at Wendy's to pick up lunch and bring it home. We were going to go somewhere to eat out but Lil Miss was fading fast, so we took lunch to go.
12:14 pm -- Lil Miss goes down for a nap. As soon as our lunch is all cleaned up, Gigi and I head up stairs to fold laundry. Gigi gets out her workbooks and works on her directional words like in between, near and far. I sped through the folding of the clothes as fast as I could because I was losing Gigi attention. She doesn't take naps on days that she doesn't pee the bed at night so we were successful in that the night before, YEAH! She kept pleading to me to stop cleaning and do something fun. For some reason I didn't really argue so I put Daddy and I's clothes away in their spots and we headed to the basement. My sister had gotten me three buttons for the wall as a house warming gift, this was way back in october but I had done nothing with them so I decided today was the day of paint. So I pulled out the kids painting smock and set up an art area in the family room and we got to work. Besides painting 2 of the 3 buttons I also painted one of the 3 wooden boxes I bought for the Office. Thanks to pinterest I found a really cool idea to attach some wooden crates to the wall as shelves. I needed something fun in that room, since it is my funky room with aqua walls and fun vibrant colors as accent. I fell in love with the deep purple I painted on the crate. I almost wanted to paint all 3 that color... but no... one will be a rich purple, one lime green, and one orange. Yes, I am sure my mom and Pam are gagging right about now, but I am nothing but colorful!!! LOL While we were painting we watched Dumbo which happens to be Gigi's most favoritest movie right now. Her words not mine.
3:01 pm -- we are headed out the door once again with coats, shoes, and hats on to go wait outside the kids school till the bell rings at 3:20 releasing them. I park in the same place everyday and my children are always one of the last kids out of the school. I go through the mail while the kids watch a Barbie movie in the van. Gigi fell asleep right away as soon as we left the house so all is quiet. I was pleasantly surprised when I got to chat with my sister Beth during this time too. One of the few times during the day when I have time to talk.
3:28 pm -- I finally see my kids s-l-o-w-l-y walk to the car. Bubba is always filled with words on how his day went and Rosie tries to get a word in as we drive the short drive home. We get home put a snack out for the kiddos and quickly all go the restroom before we are back out the door.
4:15 pm -- we check in at the YMCA. Tuesday is Taco Tuesday. Ask the kids what Tuesday is and they will say the same thing. Since the first of the year I have made it a point to always make it to the Tuesday night Zumba class at the Y. I can't always make it to the Thursday night class because of Kids For Christ... but my Tuesday night is non negotiable. I drop the two little ones of at child watch, the two older ones at Y Pals and then head upstairs to run on the elliptical until class starts.
5:30 pm -- Covered in sweat and full of energy, I pick up the kids and sign them out and we head to the van. We pull through the Taco Bell Drive thru... Rosie knows our order by heart and take our warm tacos home to eat.
5:50 pm -- daddy is at home working on the trim in the bathroom and the kids all head for the table with their tacos and start eating. Before they bite into their first taco, we all say grace and recite the Our Father which we are learning this week instead of a bible verse.
6:30 pm -- Bubba heads up to the shower, and Mommy and Rosie sit down to do math homework. Rosie was missing on Thursday because of a fever so she didn't understand what they were doing with counts so we spent some time learning a new skill. We finished the homework and she headed upstairs to get in the shower and Bubba came down to do his homework. I like kindergarten work because we are only working on counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's. Mommy can do that!!
7:15 pm -- Rosie finally makes it out of the shower with steam coming out of the bathroom and water ALL over and the it's the two little girls turn for a bath. I throw Lil Miss and Gigi in the tub and start scrubbing. Lil Miss is starting to love bath time so we throw in some toys and get to turn into prunes.
7:50pm -- Everyone is cleaned and ready for bed. We start the bedtime ritual of reading bed time stories and prayers. Gigi is the first (youngest to oldest) and picks a snow white princess story. Daddy pitches in and reads to Bubba and hopefully made him read some but I wasn't there to witness. And then it is Rosie's turn. She is supposed to read a book to me from school every night and then I read a chapter out of one of her books. We don't make our 8 o'clock bedtime but by 8:20 everyone is in bed.
8:22 pm -- Lil Miss's screaming gets to Daddy and I and Daddy goes in to save her. We started on Sunday to put things on her thumb to stop the thumb sucking and since then the night time hasn't been so easy. She doesn't have the comfort of sucking her thumb putting her to sleep. Daddy took her downstairs and Mommy went back to putting more clothes away and folding two more loads of laundry so we could actually go to sleep without a pile of clothes under us. Time to read a little in my devotional and right a little in my journal. Read tommorrow's Love Dare which is ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. I must do so without attacking him or justifying my actions. (so nate I am asking you to name three things -- and only three things. I guess if I do it this way without physically asking you can think I have ulterior motives, right?) :-)
9:15 pm -- get a text just as I was going to jump in the shower.... Can you come get our baby girl she fell asleep. So I head downstairs with a diaper to change girl and put her into the crib. Of course she wakes up as I am changing her diaper and when I go to lie her down she scream s bloody murder.
10:20 pm -- After Daddy put her to sleep again we successfully get her into the crib. Two hours later I get to take a shower.
10:46 pm -- I am in bed.... put to sleep while listening to Nate's book on tape. I couldn't even tell you what it is about because I was out!
AND that's my day. I am very nervous how next year is going to pan out with three kids having to do homework after school. I don't know where I am going to come up with more time. When I write it all down it seems like a lot but if you look at the house it doesn't look I did anything. I mean the dishwasher got cleaned out and I cleaned the dishes after breakfast, but there was still dishes in the sink when I went to bed. How does the work when we ate out for both lunch and dinner? i didn't have time to sweep or clean off my desk both things i wanted to get done. I did get my workout in though and that was important so all in all it wasn't a bad day. And I have to say the kid's were in outstanding moods and so was mommy. Daddy even made it a point to comment on my good mood. As an observation, I would have to say that my mood is directly linked my children's moods/attitudes. Kids Happy = Mommy Happy
Things I overheard was Lil miss saying -- "there he is" clear as a bell. Recently she has been able to respond to where is her belly button by pointing to her belly button. Last night while Daddy was in the room I asked Lil Miss where her daddy was and then in a sing song voice I replied to myself "There he is!" and perfectly she repeated "there he is". Nate and I both looked at each other and said did she really say that! Also Bubba confided in me that "he didn't do anything wrong" but he was playing with a little girl at school and out of the blue she went and kissed him on the cheek. The teacher told them that we don't kiss anyone but our mother, father, or family. He told us that he wouldn't let her do that to him again. We are going to have to watch out for those feisty kindergarten girls!! LOL
Gratitudes -- I just want to be thankful for a wonderful day. not everyday goes this smoothly and if I was keeping track of my daily tasks from today you would have heard a different story. (today not going as smoothly as yesterday!) I am glad I wrote this all down so that I can see that if I keep a positive attitude and my kids see that we are all much happier. I was also much more prepared the day I wrote this than today. Today I was still in my workout clothes when the kids woke up (15 minutes early) so I already felt overwhelmed. If I could keep and not fret over not being on a set schedule it would be a much more pleasant start to the day. Yesterday the kids were walking into the school at 8:21.... today 8:26 -- I hope they don't come home saying they got a tardy. And then I sit back think so what! So they get a tardy, if I wouldn't get so worked up about being on time, I wouldn't have this dread in the morning that "oh no we are going to be late!!" I am also immensely thankful for the time I get to spend with my two little ones. I know they will grow up so fast and these little things that we get to do during the week are pretty special. That time at the family museum seeing the girls play together and run around laughing were my favorite of the day! I didn't worry about what time it was or what we have to get done today.. I was actually being in the moment. AND that is pretty wonderful!
I do need to mention that I could have been doing more. I watched 3 tv shows throughout the day on the DVR (parenthood, biggest loser and the good wife) -- not every minute is accounted for during my time line :-) The time spent painting the buttons and crates with Gigi was actually a lot of fun and daddy would have been so upset with me having paint in the family room .... but we were careful!!! ;-)
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