This is what I call a Mother's Day weekend. Sunny Spring weather (even though it is a little chilly), the smell of the campfire, and I am actually sitting here with my feet up underneath a grove of pine trees. Peaceful. Serene. Even with the yelling of my kids in the background from the playground, I am happy. Maquoketa Caves was actually Nate's idea this year for our first camping trip. I had never heard of it, but I am always willing to try something new. This is our tenth camping trip in our fifth wheel and we have yet to stay at the same place twice. The caves are only an hour from our house which was ideal for a weekend we had to be close to home to go to Bubba's soccer game on Saturday and his flag football game on Sunday
This is the life!!
Last Night's dinner of pizza pudgy pies. YUM!! Nate has mastered the art of cooking supper in our pudgy pie griddles.

Today after our orientation by park staff on the white nose syndrome that is killing bats, we headed off for the caves. The chance to get really dirty and crawl on rocks, cross streams, and get filthy was almost too much for the kids. Lil Miss enjoyed her spot in the backpack behind Nate once again. She has gotten a little heavier from last year.

Some caves we could walk right in, some we could only peak in, and some (like this one) the kid's could really crawl far into. I shimmied as far in as I could get but it wasn't pretty. When I couldn't see the light from their flashlight I had them turn around. Rosie Posie was above getting dirty and was disgusted when mommy got out of the hole covered from head to toe in dirt. There's always one in the crowd. ;-)
As campgrounds go, this campground is beautiful. There aren't that many spots so it isn't swarming with people, and the playground is right along a trail through the woods. I give it a A+. Now going to enjoy an afternoon matinee of Mary Poppins while a few of my kids drift off on a nap.
To all the mother's out there. Those who are spending time with their kids, those whose kids are all grown up, those who have children up in heaven, or for those whose children have four legs or who go my the name niece or nephew, enjoy this weekend. A mother's job is so important. I don't take my job as a mother lightly. Having been blessed with the most amazing mother myself, I only hope to be half the inspiration my mother was to me. Remember those mother's in your life this weekend and every day of the year.
Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in the time to come...and on her tongue is the law of kindness... charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears The Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:25-30
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