Happy Fall!!!! Here is the Front Entrance all decorate for the holidays!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Play Dates, Tooth Fairies, and Tae Kwon Do
We've been busy. Mommy is putting more and more miles on the van getting kids from here to there. A Couple weeks ago we had Nate's brother and family come and visit us. It was fun having family here and showing them around the house that we call home now. The kids were super excited to get to play with their cousins and have them spend the night. We celebrated our nieces birthday while they were here and just enjoyed time with them. It makes us glad we are a few hours closer to family with the move that family can visit a little easier.
{Nate took forever lighting the candles.... it was quite funny, Dale the fireman had to get in on the action to get them all lit!}
I can't believe this girl is 11. I remember when she was born!! She is now such a beautiful lady and I am very proud to call her my niece. Rosie just LOVES hanging out with Megan, she is pretty much her Idol. LOL
In other eventful news, Rosie lost another tooth. This year she is defiantly going to be able to sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"!! Because there is a wide gap on the top. Her speech is slightly different as she figures out how to talk and eat without those very important teeth. The tooth fairy visited and brought $1.00 -- she was quite excited and has plans to add it to her coin purse to the money she is saving to get something "really cool, mom!"
Family time and snuggling was on the agenda for this past weekend. Nate got the fireplaces running in the house and we have been enjoying sitting in front of the fire and just relaxing. After church on Sunday, Nate had the coffee pot programmed so that when we walked in the door our coffee was ready. It was heavenly, thanks honey! The kids got some books and puzzles out (little monster was taking a nap) and we just chilled for a while. Rosie is becoming an excellent reader it is amazing how far she has come!
I got a few things done around the house. I promised a picture of my finished canvas for my foyer and this is what it became. A first "Lynn" piece of art.
{my boy in his Tae Kwon Do uniform}
Little girl has big hopes of playing with the big kids. At the Y when I go into child watch the ladies tell me they have to put her in a walker for her safety because she tries to play with the big kids and they aren't so nice to our little girl. Gigi has told me that "The kids don't like when my sister tries to talk their toys." So lil miss is banished to a walker until she learns to ask politely for a toy and not just take. The problem is at our house she is waited on hand and foot by her big siblings and she doesn't know about kids taking her toys away, not yet.
Her has been my regular morning routine.... get up, try to get kids ready and out the door, go workout at Y, run errands, and on really special days treat myself to a Starbucks. Oh what a day! Don't mind the stack of books on my nightstand that I am trying to read when I am not trying to do everything else. Eventually they will get read, maybe in front of the fireplace one of these evenings.
A typical morning for Gigi includes some fun time while lil miss naps. She has been so eager to play with daddy's ipad. I jump in the shower after the workout and Gigi plays a few games. Our kids are spoiled!!!
Here are my new running shoes, I am so excited because the pumas I was using made my feet numb after running about 10 minutes. Now I don't lose feeling in my toes, YEAH!! Looking good while you workout makes it easier to go to the gym and get in front of everyone and workout. Next on the agenda is to get some cute gym clothes... but for now tshirts and Capri jogging pants will do, I refuse to get more clothes in this size and am determined to lose the weight. A struggle but am trying. It is funny to hear the kids ask if this is healthy or tell their friend that is mommy's diet cereal. Maybe if I lose this gut, my son will stop asking if I am having another baby. :-( LOL I think it would put daddy over the edge if that happened! LOL
Lil girl has fallen in love with the "Sing Off" like the rest of us. She gets her snack and sits in her Bumbo and watched the action.
{Gigi at the zoo on a playdate}
This week, me and the kids are trying to find any excuse to be out of the house. It is hard to do anything with no kitchen countertops and kitchen sink. All get installed on Wednesday! Can't wait. So lots of activities out of the house are planned.
Today we met up with friend and her girls at the Family Museum and took a music class (alot of hopping around and singing) The girls had a blast. Gigi knew all the songs and even Lil Miss was shaking her booty.
I tried and tried to get a video of it, but of course when i urn the video feature on she doesn't do it. But Lil Miss is officially walking more than she is crawling. Right before her 1 year birthday she is a walker! Yippee!!!
Gigi liked driving the old car..... She did tell me that she had to turn some music on in the car before she started driving. Priorities, right?!?
We have been getting lots of groceries at the store to stock up for our party this weekend. The girls have been big helpers. Gigi holds the grocery list and checks things off that I put in the cart (sometimes things I didn't get) so I have to double check the list everytime and Lil Miss has started to pull things off of the shelves when i get the cart a little too close to an aisle. it is great to get to the checkout and see 6 boxes of elbow macaroni in the cart, I now my little swipper has been at work!! We have had a few minutes here and there to even get our pumpkins done for the year. This year because of the kitchen renovation i didn't want to bother carving pumpkins so I used good old Martha Stewart for inspiration. We glittered pumpkins instead. They turned out soooo cute!!
{supplies for pumpkins}
{here is our work in process}
Happy Fall!!!! Here is the Front Entrance all decorate for the holidays!!!
Happy Fall!!!! Here is the Front Entrance all decorate for the holidays!!!
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