
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baby Love

Our baby is getting that nurturing bug. 
It really just started this week. 
I started noticing her carrying the baby dolls around and then putting them in her stroller then
I saw her feeding her baby a bottle.
Since then the baby dolls have been one of her favorite toys. 
We actually even took baby to the grocery store yesterday with us and strapped her right beside Lil Miss in the cart.  Ain't that the cutest!!
{being a mommy}
Don't you just love when your children imitate you in this way?
Okay not when they imitate your bad qualities like standing with her hands on her hips like me,
or saying "freakin" like I tend to say occasionally, or try to go to school in their pajamas like mommy -- well yeah sometimes there isn't enough time for mommy to get everyone ready and herself so a girl does what she has to do. 
My heart swells when they imitate me in nurturing ways.
When Gigi tucks her baby dolls in at night.
Or when Rosie helps Bubba with his homework.
Or when Lil Miss gets a bowl and spatula out and tries to make "fake" supper.
Those are the actions that I hope they take away from me NOT my use of the word "freakin".
{Lil Miss getting her baby doll to wave bye bye}
As I see my daughter with a doll in her arms giving it love and kisses it gives me pause
to what else she is learning from me.
She absorbs everything I do and everything I say everyday.
The good and the bad.
I need to reflect on the image I am creating for my children in their mind.
Most of the time it is great but then there are the times I lose my cool (not my proudest moments) and regret letting my children see me in that way. 
Will that be the image they remember?
I hope not.
I hope they remember the Girl's Night pedicures we have when the boys are at Cub Scouts. 
Or the good days of getting ready in the morning, when no one is complaining about how mommy is doing their hair.
We all pile into mommy's bathroom and check our faces and apply lotion to our faces/hands/knees and
remind each other if we put on deodorant and check our pearly whites in the mirror one last time before we head out the door.
Those are the times that I have to pinch myself that I am so lucky.
It's a precious thing to be a mommy.
To shape and mold little people's lives.
I may not always do it perfect but I am trying to be better and change myself for the better in the process.
I love my babies.

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