{Our House by Bubba}
Our house might not always be clean
We might not always have a vegetable on our plate for supper
But we know how to have fun

EVEN in the rain
On Friday I let the kids play in the rain.
What is more shocking in that sentence
That they played in the rain
That we had rain?

It was an excuse to get out the umbrellas
to cool off and to play outside when it wasn't 90+ degrees out
EVEN in the rain
On Friday I let the kids play in the rain.
What is more shocking in that sentence
That they played in the rain
That we had rain?
It was an excuse to get out the umbrellas
to cool off and to play outside when it wasn't 90+ degrees out
We played in the clubhouse
We played on the slide
We played tag
And we played with the hula hoops as the rain came down
It was pretty neat. I always wanted to do that -- play in the rain. I am just glad I have kids to have the excuse to do things WILD. Yes, that is about as WILD as I get. So lame, I know.
We have been feasting on some great food. We have gotten a few things out of garden. Poor thing is so water deprived that we are lucky to have cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. Pete's Produce down the street had WONDERFUL sweet corn this week. We feasted on grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches, cherries, and sweet corn for supper. YUM!
Lil Miss had her first taste of corn on the cob. Yum Butter!!
On Sunday morning me and the kids ate breakfast on the patio.
I apologize to any neighbors because at
7 am in the morning my kids were not quiet.
I don't where Bubba got this look, but it is priceless.
Lil Miss decided she liked momma's coffee.
She dipped her spoon in once and licked the coffee off
then went back for more.
Caffeine high for church
Daddy get up and get ready for church!
No weekend is complete without a little dancing.
These are the moments to remember.....
They look like they are enjoying their summer! Love the coffee picture!