{he is doing the happy dance}
Oh the weather is wonderful here!!! We've all got Spring Fever. I can't keep Bubba inside, he wants to be out shooting hoops. The dogs even want outside more to enjoy the sunshine. Everyday this week we could, me and girls were taking a wagon ride to the park to soak in the rays. Mental Note: need to start thinking about sunscreen. Can you believe it? Sunscreen!! I am so excited for this weather. On Friday the kids had a jump start on spring break getting off 2 hours early, so we began the fun time with playing on the playground. I had to drag the kids away from the monkey bars to go home. Lil Miss was exhausted from going up and down the play set going down the slide. The girl has no fear, one time before Gigi could sit down to go down the slide with her... she headed down head first. Geeez.
This onesie was the only outfit we bought when we made the decision to adopt. We were expecting to bring a baby home from Colombia so we purchased this Dodgers onesie in a 24 month size to dress them in. LIttle did we know God had other plans. When Lil Miss was born I went through our "baby" box and got out the John Deere blanket I had bought, a couple Spanish children's books, and some Brutus the buckeye slippers. This was the only thing we hadn't used until now. She looks like one cute baseball fan. Daddy and Bubba are already talking about going to a Dodgers game this year. I hope they get their "mantime".
{what you talking about daddy?}
This girl would where a dress everyday if I would let her. She is ready for spring!! Mommy finally broke down and let her wear Rosie's Easter dress from last year. All winter she has bugged me to wear this. Now three days this week we have worn it! ;-)
{Is anything cuter?}
And spring means one more thing.... getting in the garden. Mean Daddy says I can't plant anything this year, but I snuck in two houseplants yesterday because I had the itch. I can't wait to get in the mud and see what's hiding in the landscaping. I have a few ideas what to do with the yard, let's see how much I can get Daddy to open his wallet. LOL

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