Wow! What a weekend!!
It started off with a busy week and spending as much time outside as possible. We started the mowing for the year, as the lush dark green spring grass beckoned us to cut the prairie that was beginning in the backyard. Daddy got his first sunburn of the year with many more to come. It feels like spring!! I have tried to get my runs in every other day for the race coming up this weekend. Battling injuries, the running hasn't been going very well. When I can I have been running with the jogging stroller and Lil Miss. She makes me work up an extra sweat pushing another 30+ extra pounds and making me perform acrobatic acts picking up thrown out baby dolls or delivering snacks into the stroller while trying to keep my balance. Passerbys have to get a good chuckle.
Mommy all sweaty.... Lil Miss ready to play!
Doing her own blogging while at the park.
Our visit to the park was cut short when Lil Miss went straight for a mud puddle and fell flat on her butt. Her white pants will never be the same. 
Bubba played pirates looking for his treasure in the backyard. Being cooped up in the house all winter, I am so greatful for this wonderful weather to bring our imaginations out and be creative. Love Spring!!!
On Friday night, Nate and I took part in a school fundraiser. It was a trivia night and while I was volunteering, Nate and our friends took part in answering the trivia. One of the categories was video games and Nate was a pro at those. The category about the kid's school.... not so much. He needs to read the PTA newsletter more. LOL There was lots of silent auctions, 50/50, and raffle items. Rosie was the proud reciepent of the American Girl Doll raffle. They had sent tickets home with the kids at school to buy and we had bought $20 worth and put the three kids names on the tickets equally and she won!! When she woke up Saturday morning and saw Saige on the kitchen counter she was smiles from ear to ear. She reminded me that I had told her "we won't probabley win so don't get your hopes up". I ate my words. I forgot how lucky my kids are. Saige went everywhere with us this weekend.
Saturday morning we went to the zoo to have breakfast with the elephants. It wasn't really eating with the elephants, something I had to clarify with the kids because Gigi was afraid they would eat us, it was a buffet and then a private elephant talk with the handlers. We walked into the elephant barn and saw where they take care of the elephants and check their enormous feet and teeth. Unfortunately we didn't get to take advantage of staying long and exploring much more of the zoo because of our busy busy day.
Lil Miss with her friend Livvy.
Can't go to the zoo without riding the train.
That afternoon after breakfat with the elephants and baseball practice, the whole family headed to the lagoon for Bubba's first fishing derby with the cub scouts. I had purchased three fishing poles just for the occassion. I made a visit to Wal-Mart to pick up bait and dessert for a cook out that night. Not two things that go together in a cart. ewww. I kept the worms and peach pie far away from each other for sanitary sake.
Gigi was the family fishing champion. She caught two catfish, one being 7" long.
Rosie's fishing technique was to fish near the lagoon edge. This won her a caught blue gill. The little thing almost jumped out of the water the way she caught it. 

Lil Miss even tried her hand at fishing. She didn't want any help though, big girl wanted to do it all herself.
Poor Bubba was the only one NOT to catch anything. He tried his hardest, a couple times he even pulled them out of the water for them to fall off his hook before he could pull it ashore. 

He and Gigi though learned how to bait their own hooks. I was impressed. Rosie didn't want to have anything to do with the icky woms. 

First smore roast of the year... yum!!!
On Sunday, mommy finally got that nap she had been craving all weekend. I could hardly keep my eyes open after Sunday school, so Lil Miss and I layed down for an hour to get some rest. Oh, that was so needed. I then had enough energy to mow, do yard work, go for a run, and still enough to take the kids to the park to practice baseball. The girls and I played outfielders, while daddy pitched to Bubba. I took myhand at pitching but after almost hitting Bubba for the fifth time I gave the ball to Nate. He was much better at it than I.
Cutest little outfielder.
It was a busy but rewarding family weekend. Can't wait for more weekends like this!!!